There’s Power in Being Together
For more information
Sharing Chases the Shadows Away
Robin knows the power of being together and is eager to help you experience the power of group healing and caring. She offers two very special types of workshops:
One that supports and helps ease the challenges of being an adoptive parent
One based on the work of Dr. Brené Brown entitled The Daring Way™.
For Adoptive Parents
Robin offers workshops specifically for parents of adopted children. This group dynamic, expertly facilitated by Robin is a wonderful supportive way to learn you are not alone in your concerns and questions about yourself as an adoptive parent and your adopted children. Some of the topics touched on during these workshops are:
Busting the Myth of Being Alone
Detangling the Imposter Parent Syndrome
Ways to Navigate Abuse and Neglect
A Peek Into the Adopted Soul
Coming to Peace Inside Discomfort
And much more!
Contact Robin today for further information and availability on the next workshop
“Playful and profound, affirming and challenging - these descriptors are just a few of the unique skills and attributes Robin brings to her workshops. If you are seeking quality instruction, loving guidance and a whole lot of fun, Robin will deliver! She has many gifts, but high among them is her ability to engage others in ways that inspire depth and growth in a safe, affirming and fun atmosphere. You’ll leave her workshops thankful for having had the opportunity to experience her wisdom.”
The Daring Way™
You are invited to join us on The Daring Way™ into a wholehearted life of greater joy, courage, gratitude, and authenticity. Based on the research of Brene Brown, this experience will help you quiet your inner critic, embrace your imperfections, and own your birthright of worthiness. We will learn how to gather the courage to live bravely, and cultivate meaningful connections.
If you desire more of these things, then this experience is for you! The curriculum used is based on Brené Brown’s book Daring Greatly™ where participants learn ways to apply researched techniques to their everyday situations.
Due to the intimate setting of a small group, the work can be more galvanized to our individual lives. The safe atmosphere is a welcomed place to learn about vulnerability, shame, resilience, and courage. Interaction with others in a “no judgment zone” is helpful in learning to apply new skills and move forward.
Dates to be announced.
“I had the privilege of participating in a workshop co-lead by Robin Hitt called The Gifts of Imperfection “ based on the work of Brené Brown. I immediately experienced Robin’s warm, inviting and fun personality which created an environment that made me feel comfortable in sharing. Robin’s approach and knowledge of the material was obviously passionate and deep. I was thrilled to take the second half of the workshop when offered later because I looked forward to learning from Robin again!”
Contact Robin today for further information and availability on the next workshop